
Dr Helen Osborn


Qualified 1988, St Mary’s London

Helen is the senior partner. Her clinical interests are all aspects of family medicine, family planning, care of the elderly and palliative care. She is very involved in medical education as a GP trainer.

She has clinics throughout the week, including the Extended Hours Surgeries on Wednesday and Fridays.

Dr Kate Craufurd


Dr Craufurd is with us on Wednesdays and Friday mornings..

Dr Hussein Alibhai


Dr Alibhai who has been with us since 2008, is with us on Thursdays and Fridays, but also does telephone and video sessions from home on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Dr Elizabeth Parry


Dr Parry has recently joined the team and as well as working from home, comes in to run a clinic on Wednesday mornings.

Dr Michelle Hall


Dr Hall is a recent addition to our team and works here on Mondays

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Named GP